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Fáilte, Tervetuloa

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"Well worth a browse" - Kate Russell, BBC World

clickonline In December 2003 SSI-Developer was featured on BBC World's daily technology program Click Online. As part of the Webscape segment SSI-Developer received quite a flattering review. Read this review online [back-up link].

Inside SSI-Developer

You'll find a lot more than just Server Side Includes at SSI-Developer.net.

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New Look SSI-Dev
screenshot SSI-Developer has once again been given a face lift, we hope you like the new design. Any feedback you have would be greatly appreciated. The curious can view the last two designs: Early 2004 | 2003

Updated Tutorials
During the redesign a number of the tutorials have been updated and where relevant your feedback has been added to the tutorials. Keep that feedback coming!

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