Category Archives: Internet

Google’s new web browser: Google Chrome

Today is the day Google are set to release a windows beta version of their new web browser Google Chrome (edit: @ 4am Irish time apparently). I for one am not too excited but I suppose I’ll download, test and uninstall it just to satisfy my curiosity. If you want to get an idea of [...]

Fx Wrld Rcrd

Cos im 2 lzy 2 typ a msg tdy…

The Photoshop Anthology: Free until June 13th

Sitepoint are giving away free copies of their book The Photoshop Anthology: 101 Web Design Tips, Tricks & Techniques! The book is available for download in pdf format until June 13th so if you have even the slightest bit of interest in Photoshop, especially if you’re into web design, pop over and grap yourself a [...]

Firefox 3 RC 1

I’m a few days late with this but tonight I just noticed that Firefox 3 RC1 has been released! I’ve been using Fx 3 Beta 5 for a while at work and have been very impressed with it so would recommend upgrading to FX 3 asap; RC1 should be stable enough for the masses to [...]

Upgrading wordpress…

…is a nightmare. I suppose if I haven’t have left it for so long it wouldn’t be so difficult but I did so it is. I was on version 1.52 until I upgraded; and the only reason I upgraded was because of some bug in MySQL which was reversing the order of my posts. The [...]

It’s been a bit quiet around here recently…

… in case you haven’t noticed. Work is unfortunately infringing on my personal life, more so that its done before. Late nights and early mornings are becoming the norm these days. The end is in sight though; another few weeks should see things back to normal. Hopefully; so bear with me in the mean time. [...]

My 10,000 Gspam milestone

I never thought that I would see the day that I’d have ten thousand (10,000 – you read it right) spam mails in my spam box! But it’s happened. As of some time in the wee hours of this morning I broke through the 10,000 spam barrier. Now, this isn’t simply a case of me [...]

Netscape Navigator 1994 – 2008 RIP

It’s the end of a web era. Poor aul Netscape Navigator has been dying a slow death for a number of years and has now been dealt the final death blow as AOL will no longer support the browser as of tomorrow, March 1st. I feel like we should hold a wake or something. Netscape [...]

Web Site Grader, SEO Tools

Just found this quite handy tool this morning … “Website Grader is a free seo tool that measures the marketing effectiveness of a website. It provides a score that incorporates things like website traffic, SEO, social popularity and other technical factors. It also provides some basic advice on how the website can be improved from [...]

Scamming cunts on ebay

A while back I got ripped off by a guy on ebay (‘Jamie Power’ from Wales who uses the handle Redpower30, … you’ve now been warned, watch out for this scammer). We agreed a price for a particular item but I made the incredibly stupid and naive mistake of completing the purchase outside of [...]