Category Archives: Finland

Price of benziini

Can’t believe the price of petrol these days. I just got petrol a few hours ago … fifty fuckin two fuckin Euros. It wasn’t so long ago I could fill the tank with £20. I only own the car about 7 years, the price has doubled during that time. Bastards!

Forrin keyboards

You have possibly noticed that on every forum or mailing list where you are likely to get some Irish somebody has raised the question of how to add fadas. And in response people have posted all kinds of solutions like using a character map, or downloading keyboard layouts or using Alt Gr, or even using [...]

Guinness out forrin

Twenty has an interesting one about the quality of Guinness abroad so I thought i’d add my Finnmarks’s worth. It’s a subject close to me heart … it’s not just teabags we expats (I don’t remember being a pats in the first place but whatever..) miss, nor taytos (the real ones) it’s also da black [...]