Fun with Google maps
Thanks to Bernie Goldbach i’ve just found a new (and admittadly … sad) way to ammuse myself with Google Maps. Try here also.
Thanks to Bernie Goldbach i’ve just found a new (and admittadly … sad) way to ammuse myself with Google Maps. Try here also.
Old news now, I had no time to post yesterday, great to see that the Discovery shuttle has made it home safely. No doubt there were serious concerns following the quick fix they had to do before starting their return trip. More space news, a new Mars probe was due for launch but has been [...]
More spacey news. A huge patch of ice has been found in an unnamed crater on Mars. “The photographs were taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board Mars Express, the European Space Agency probe which is exploring the planet.” “The existence of the water-ice patch on Mars raises the prospect that past or present life will one day be detected.”
And since reading this I can’t get the Bowie song “Life on Mars” out of my head, not that I mind, Bowie’s deadly.
Didn’t get a chance to post on this before now though it’s beeen in the news a few days. Astronomers have reported the discovery of a 10th planet in our solar system. It was first actually seen in 2003 but only now confirmed as a planet. “2003 UB313″ is a planet of rock and ice, somewhat larger than Pluto and about 3 times as far away. I wonder what name they will give it? I wonder when Celestia will add it to their program.
Update: Will we lose Pluto? *sniff*
Ah now this is ridiculous, in Australia officials have basically banned the game Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas over these stoopid ‘explicit sex scenes’ which can be viewed by anyone with access to a special game mod. The official classification for the game has been revoked which means it cannot be legally sold, hired, advertised [...]
Came across this via Michele Neylon‘s blog. If you are tired of the name Google you can simple change it to whatever your heart desires with this little tool from Logogle. Ok, it’s not very useful but if you’re easily amused like me you should get 5 minutes craic out of it. My efforts: diddies, [...]
I’m not a big gamer but there are a few games on different platforms I like. Call of Duty on PC is one, what better way to de-stress after work that kill a pile of Nazis as you storm Berlin. Another favourite of mine is the outstanding and MASSIVE Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on [...]
I was looking forward to see how they would get on with this Cosmos-1 Solar Sail experiment, but it looks as if they’ve lost the damn thing. I suppose when you stick a pimped intercontinental ballistic missile up it’s ass and fire it off from a nuclear sub there’s a good chance something could go [...]
I just signed up for a free online course with the HP Learning Center. I’ve no idea if the classes are good or not, they could be absolute shite, but they are free and definitly better than nuthin. I signed up for the ‘Building web applications with PHP and MySQL‘ course. I’ve done *some* PHP/MySQL [...]
Flippin excellent. Via Donncha’s blog Holy Shmoly I found this cool plugin for Gimp which removes digital camera noise. I suppose I could have found it if I spent more time around some of the Gimp sites but I rarely use Gimp anyway, it drives me nuts, never does what i want it to do. [...]