Category Archives: Technology

Internet Exploder

Is it worth mentioning that IE7 has been officially released? Worth mentioning perhaps but not worth linking to so I won’t. I have been using IE7 Beta 2 for months … wait … what am I saying?!? … I’ve had it installed for months but have only used it to test it out *phew*. I [...]

Firefox party in Dublin

Anyone heading to (or even know about) the Firefox 2 launch party in Dublin next month? It’s being organised by a company called Segala and is provisionally booked for the 14th November in the Dakota bar on South William Street (not far from St.Stephen’s Green). Free drinks they claim! Very tempting!

Web rage in the UK

Interesting case this. A man in the UK has been found guilty of what appears to be the UK’s first incident of web rage. Apparently two guys got into an argument on a chat room and traded insults. Once of the men then tracked down the other, drove to his house in Essex and beat [...]

Google Docs & Spreadsheets

I just noticed on c|net that Google have combined Writely & Spreadsheets to create Google Docs & Spreadsheets. An obvious move I suppose, it’s already online if you want to check it out. What’s next I wonder, combine it with Page Creator? Another way to share your documents through your Google manufactured web page hosted [...]

Smart not gone yet

It looks like i’ll be staying with Smart for the forseable future then. As far as I know phone customers have two weeks to find another provider but Smart will continue to provide broadband. And to make up for the recent problems all broadband customers get a 3Mb speed upgrade for the rest of the [...]

Maybe not so Smart

Something that looks too good to be true usually is. Smart Broadband looked good, 3Mb for €35 plus I can make calls, excellent thought I. But now the phones are down, I can make calls but not receive them and I wonder how long before the company folds altogether and we lose the Broadband. I [...]

Non-existent problems

I just switched to Smart recently and discovered that I can no longer send emails (using my own email account thro. Thunderbird). I checked the Smart website and found that I need to switch my outgoing mail server to I did so and tested it but no-go. So I called Smart who said “change [...]

F14 Tomcat to retire from Navy

Just spotted over on /. the US Navy is due to retire their remaining F-14 Tomcat fighters this week. It’s interesting news for those of you with an interest in military hardware. The F-14 was one of the more interesting fighters in the US arsenal with its twin engines & sweeping wings but was apparently [...]

Site redesign…

I’m redesigning my website (not the blog) and am going to do something I don’t normally do, get someone else’s opinion on it before I finish it. Would anyone with 2 minutes to spare consider taking a peek and giving their honest opinion? Be brutal. (content styles haven’t been looked at yet, just the header/footer/side [...]

Spainish outlaw P2P filesharing??

Can this be true? A Spanish intellectual property law has finally banned unauthorized peer-to-peer file-sharing in Spain, making it a civil offense even to download content for personal use. My initial reaction is “you stupid fucking idiots, you’ve been spending too much time in the sun!!”, however i’ll give them the benefit of the doubt [...]