Category Archives: Technology

Submarine search on Google Maps

Myself and a friend were just doing a quick submarine search on Google Maps … well, little searching actually as he knew where to find most of them. Anyway here are a few of the subs you can find if you know where to look. All links point directly to the Google Maps locations. Finland [...]


I was pricking around with Skype and I noticed this feature called the “Skypecast” which is a hosted call where you can have up to 100 people participating. I started to wonder … would it be interesting if we managed to get 100 Irish bloggers together for a chin wag? Come to think of it, [...]

Crossword makes me cross

This is from today’s Crossword of the Day which appears on Google’s personalised homepage… Anyone else offended by that? p.s. crossword is by Puzzlerscave not Google. Edit: direct link to crossword Update: I decided to submit a complaint to Puzzlerscave. I just received a response … basically a fob off: “Please report your complaint to [...]

Pricking around with… Makehuman 0.8

Pricking around with … A new series on Raiméis, one which will probably die like all the other grand ideas I’ve had because of pure and unadulterated laziness, where I take sumthin’ (usually software) prick around with it and see what happens… Makehuman prealpha 0.8 demo In short, MakeHuman is a application for making accurate [...]

Google Adski

Why am I getting Russian ads displayed in my sidebar such as the one on the left there? The website is Finnish … the ad displayed presumably because my ISP is Finnish. Mmkay, makes sense. But why isn’t the ad text displayed in Finnish or English then, especially when the website itself defaults to English [...]

3D space quickie

Anyone interested in 3D modelling and spacey things … Nasa have scaled dimensioned drawings of the various modules which make up the ISS (plus a handy exploded view) available for download in pdf format right about … here. Probably been online for yonks but I just found them. First person to send in their completed [...]

Linux for human beings

I’ve decided to give Linux a lash. I’m a Windows guy, I like point and click, nice and simple, no messing around with command lines or anything. I’ve been following the case of Linspire recently because it looks like one of the best Linux options for Windows users and although it’s not free it is [...]

Adsense Excel Reports

I was pricking around with Excel trying to make some reports so I could more easily monitor my Adsense stats. I made the following template and thought that I may as well share it. It’s very basic (averages and totals each of the columns, draws a few basic graphs ) but it might save you [...]

Spam Defence

After speaking with Division HQ we’ve decided to to implement Operation Stop Spam in an effort to cut down on the amount of comment spam we get per day. From now on there’ll be a very simple match question to answer, unless we find some better way to stop the spammers. Any problems posting please [...]

Google SketchUp

Dog gonnit! I was just writing a post last night which I planned to publish today telling you about a deadly 3D program i’d recently been playing with called SketchUp, which is great fun to mess with but carries a high price tag. Now what have Google gone and done? Released a free version forcing [...]