Category Archives: Technology

Firefox 1.5 online!

Firefox 1.5 has just been released! Unfortunately the Irish version is not out yet, it was due to be released at the same time but it hasn’t been cleared by the relevant pers in Mozilla as far as I know. Hopefully we’ll have it soon. You’ll notice that they’ve also done some work on the [...]

New Irish blogger for Slugger

Slugger O’Toole have a new Irish language blogger, Cathal O Foirreidh. Mick had previously mentioned to me that perhaps I could contribute some Irish posts to Slugger [since I spend so much time there anyway] but with my remedial Irish there was never a chance, so I’m delighted to see Cathal taking this role. If [...]

Gerry’s Browser Review

Gerry O’Sullivan is doing a review of the browsers he uses. It’s something I had intended to do but never found the energy. So far he has reviewed Safari [Safari home] and Camino [Camino home] (both Mac only) and i’m sure there’s more to come. Btw if you’re a Mac user Microsoft actually recommends that [...]

Firefox & Thunderbird testers needed

It’s getting horrid close to the official 1.5 releases for Firefox & Thunderbird. The Irish localization teams would appreciate some feedback on the latest versions of their work. You can get 1.5 RC2 versions of Firefox anseo and Thunderbird anseo. It’s available for multiple platforms just make sure you download the Irish files (identified with [...]

Dealing with comment spam

Comment spam can be a bit of a problem. Although it doesn’t look like I have a problem on this blog, I do, the moderation system I have here prevents spam from showing up on the blog but my inbox is treated to a healthy dose of spam on a fairly regular basis. I’ve managed [...]

Google Base Launched

Google Base has finally launched. According to Google: Google Base is a place where you can easily submit all types of online and offline content that we’ll host and make searchable online. Basically if you have any type of content which you want to make available to others you can submit it to Google base. [...]

Browser news…

Firefox 1.5 RC1 has been released this week, RC2 should be coming in another 8 days or so and should be pretty much the same as the 1.5 final release. [Download RC1] Here’s a good Firefox extension I came across this morning, IE Tab, it allows you to open pages within Firefox using the IE [...]

Patent troll to seek XML royalties

This is ridiculous. A small US company called Scientigo own two patents which cover the transfer of data in “neutral forms” claim that the data-formatting standard XML infringes on their patents! And of course their master plan is to collect royalties from software companies and large organisations which use XML. EVERYBODY uses XML! “Patent troll” [...]

Samsung Mobile enters Irish market

I see that Samsung Mobile is launching in Ireland. They are entering the market with 5 phone models; the ZV10(?), E350, E530, Z500 and the X480. Nice looking phones I reckon. The may be world #3 but their flip phones are generally way ahead of Nokia’s who have turned out some really awful stuff like [...]

The Flock has landed

I’ve just downloaded a new browser called Flock, it’s basically a Firefox clone (btw Firefox just hit the 100,000,000 downloads mark yesterday!) but with a few new features. You have to sign up to their mailing list to get the current version, “0.5pre developer snapshot”, but they should release a public version soon. It looks [...]