Google tsunami help page
I just noticed that Google have gotten in on the act and put up a tsunami help page. A link from the main Google homepage brings you to their Tsunami Relief page which contains news and aid agency links.
I just noticed that Google have gotten in on the act and put up a tsunami help page. A link from the main Google homepage brings you to their Tsunami Relief page which contains news and aid agency links.
I just had to pop out to move my car to avoid some potentially damaging snow fall. How dangerous can that be sayz you!?! There’s a large galvanized building opposite my office here, about 50m+ long, where many of our cars are parked. The entire roof is covered in a layer of snow about 6 [...]
Drive-bys in Dublin now? Is this LA? Drive by Dublin, don’t stop, that’s the answer.
I was asked last week by some Finnish friends how much a TV licence is in Ireland. Not having ever bought a TV licence in Ireland I (very badly) guessed around €80-€90, basing my guess on a discussion we had on the subject about 10 years ago. I was surpsied to read today that the [...]
Looks like the army deafness claims should be coming to an end soon. Overall liability will end up somewhere around €300 million [registration required] (€277 paid out so far). Not bad considering they had estimated it would be well over €1 billion. Was it Andrews or the late Hugh Coveney who made the decision to [...]
I see little point in posting much about the tragic events in South East Asia as it’s been covered on every news site on the web. Pete over at Slugger has made a good post on the subject with a number of useful links. Check the links section in the right column of this dedicated [...]
I didn’t realise they were doing a big metric changover of road signs in Ireland! Shiite! It’s one of those small but somewhat significant things I enjoy about going home, using miles instead of kilometers. I’ve always thought it was of those interesting oddities about Ireland that we used both systems but now it’s metric [...]
Wow, “The world’s highest road bridge is due to be inaugurated in southern France by President Jacques Chirac before opening to traffic later this week.” Check out the photo here and on the BBC site, very cool!
Trust the Japanese to come up with this one. A company called Trane KK has release a product for single men, a woman’s lap – made out of foam. Seemingly “Single men find this soothing,”. This is quite similar to the other product which has been on the market for the past year, the “boyfriends [...]
I haven’t covered much Norn Iron topics in a while even though the negotiations are all over the news these days because, to be honest, the whole thing would bore the tits off an elephant*. Anyway the following just caught my attention: “The Catholic Primate of Ireland has said that an alternative to photographic evidence [...]