Daily Archives: December 29, 2004

Google tsunami help page

I just noticed that Google have gotten in on the act and put up a tsunami help page. A link from the main Google homepage brings you to their Tsunami Relief page which contains news and aid agency links.

Falling snow…

I just had to pop out to move my car to avoid some potentially damaging snow fall. How dangerous can that be sayz you!?! There’s a large galvanized building opposite my office here, about 50m+ long, where many of our cars are parked. The entire roof is covered in a layer of snow about 6 [...]

Drive by Dublin

Drive-bys in Dublin now? Is this LA? Drive by Dublin, don’t stop, that’s the answer.

TV licence fee increase

I was asked last week by some Finnish friends how much a TV licence is in Ireland. Not having ever bought a TV licence in Ireland I (very badly) guessed around €80-€90, basing my guess on a discussion we had on the subject about 10 years ago. I was surpsied to read today that the [...]

What? What did you say? It’s over? What?

Looks like the army deafness claims should be coming to an end soon. Overall liability will end up somewhere around €300 million [registration required] (€277 paid out so far). Not bad considering they had estimated it would be well over €1 billion. Was it Andrews or the late Hugh Coveney who made the decision to [...]