Daily Archives: January 24, 2005

Sin-bin rule to be modified…

The criticism must be getting to them because the GAA are going to modify the experimental sin-bin rule. Sean Kelly is expected to announce today that players who get sent to the sin-bin can be replaced by a substitute whereas before no substitute was allowed and the teams had to play on without the sin-binned [...]

New Irish language therapists

Eamon O’Cuiv has approved the hiring of three Irish-speaking language therapists for the Gaeltacht regions. One of the serious problems for the Irish language community is lack of support services in Irish, so this small step should be welcome news.

Robot soldiers head for Iraq

The military geek in me can’t help but say “coooooool!” The US military are deploying 18 “robots” in Iraq. The robots are basically the same as the type of tracked robot used for bomb disposal but armed with machine guns! The robot, equipped with four cameras, night-vision and zoom lenses, is currently guided by a [...]

Firefix making ground…

Good report from WebSideStory via CNET on the growing market share of Firefox. “From the beginning of December through mid-January, 4.78 percent of Internet surfers … used the Mozilla Foundation’s FireFox browser, a gain of 0.88 percentage points. At the same time, IE usage declined 0.7 percent to 92.7 percent…”