Monthly Archives: February 2005

IRA expels members

In an interesting move the Provisional IRA has expelled three members from its ranks over their involvement in the death of Robert McCarthy last month. Could it be that the IRA realise murder is actually wrong? Nah, hardly! Related: The BBC ask ‘Why are young people still joining the IRA?’

Pope has operation

Looks like the Pope isn’t doing too well. Back in hospital again he needed a tracheotomy to help his breathing. He could well be on the way out…

Oceans 13

Well, I joked about it but it might actually come true. The Northern Bank raid might just be made into a movie. Author Charles Goodwin, who is currently writing a book on the robbery, is in talks with producers interested in turning the crime into a movie. It’s hardly worth sneering at, is it?

Titanic killer coming to Belfast?

It has been proposed to drag an iceberg [registration cheat] from Norway to the the Belfast shipyard where the Titanic was built to help put Belfast’s redeveloped Titanic Quarter on the tourist map by 2008. I kid you not. “The iceberg could become a symbol of hope as it melts.” Glad it’s not my tax [...]

Another Luas crash!

Yes indeedy, the tenth Luas crash since it opened in September. 5 injured in this latest accident. They should seriously consider switching from chimpanzee drivers to humans drivers.

Cá bhfuil Lá??

The Lá web site has been offline 9 times out of the 10 that i’ve visited it in the past month. Is it man-power? Funding? Should we blame Hermon and Laird? Speaking of irish language sites. I haven’t visited Blas in a while. I’d recommend (for Irish learners) checking out Giota Beag agus Giota Beag [...]

McAleese cancelled trip North

Mary McAleese has cancelled her plans to visit loyalist Shankill Road this week. Unsurprising really considering the reaction to her comments at the Auschwitz commemoration in Poland. Some Unionists may have accepted her apology but her comments cut pretty deep and the wound may never fully heal. In the case of people such as Paisley [...]

Attitudes need to change…

…in Catholic Ireland. The body of newborn baby was discovered in a shallow grave in Ballina yesterday afternoon. Hardly the first time such a thing has happened but completely unacceptable that it should happen in this day and age. Why is it that drives young mothers to such lengths? Outdated narrow-minded Catholic attitudes?

Longford Town get licence

My own Longford Town got their licence after they had initially been refused. Another cup this year lads? Why not.

Cork & Dublin Raids & The Northern

Been following the news of the money laundering raids in Dublin & Cork? I decided to let the dust settle before posting on it and have been spending most of my time over on Slugger who have been posting updates on the subject as the story develops. Anyway, with seven arrested, two ‘with republican connections’ [...]