Monthly Archives: February 2005

Nuclear weapons: Who has what?

Lots of talk recently about nuclear weapons especially wrt Iran who are suspected of running a nuclear arms program. Here the BBC takes a quick look at who has what when it comes to nuclear weapons. The US, with all their talk of stopping Iran from developing weapons, is said to have about 6000 strategic [...]

McCullough loses on points

Since the days when The Clones Cyclone had the country glued to the tv i’ve been keeping an eye on Irelands best fighters. One of our best in recent years has been Ulsterman Wayne McCullough who, at 34 and with only 2 competitive rounds fought within the last two years, was taking on champion Oscar [...]

State to impose fines for visible undies

The state of Virginia has proposed a bill which means people showing too much of their underwear could be fined as much as $50! The bill is designed to stamp out the problem of people wearing their trousers so low that their boxers or g-strings are showing ala rapper-style. I think these old fogies in [...]

Cuba begins smoking ban

Cuba? I mean CUBA?? How can Cuba have a smoking ban? I saw a documentary not so long ago on Cuba and everyone was smoking. It’s like a national pastime!! Ok, a tad unfair, only about 2,047,714 [32% 2001, 37% - 1995] adults smoke. But with about 25,000 new cases of lung cancer every month [...]

GMail giveaway!

Jaypers. I now have 50 Gmail invites to give away. Anyone interested just mail me!

Situation with Iran hotting up

Been slow blogging recently, apologies, lack of time is my excuse. Tensions are building up between the US and Iran, it’s beginning to look likely that there will be some sort of strike against Iran in the not too distant future. The US may not have the balls to do it but might persuade Israel [...]

Snowball killer

It’s amazing just how crazy some people are. A guy was jailed in Holland today for 15 years after shooting dead a teenage boy who threw a snowball at his car! “The victim, 13-year-old Sedar Soares, was in a group of children throwing snowballs at passers-by in a Rotterdam car park. When they hit a [...]