Monthly Archives: March 2005

Gay rapist ducks!

We had a discussion last week on Slugger, actually an old discussion (Nov ’04) on rights for gay couples in Ireland which was re-opened leading to a somewhat heated discussion on homosexuality and how “unnatural” it is (according to some). Anyway today I chanced upon this relevant article in the Guardian about necrophilia among ducks. [...]

Canadian seal hunt underway

The worlds largest seal hunt got under way 1 day, 7 hours and 03 minutes ago (at time of writing), an estimated 25,200 seals have been killed so far. The hunt will bring in approx. €13m for the local communities (compare than to the $3 billion in seafood which the Canadians export annually to the [...]

Rep. Ireland 1 – 0 China

After their brutal result against Israel Ireland (sorry, Republic of …) bounce back with a win in a friendly over China, thanks to Clinton Morrison again.

Another earthquake!

There’s been another earthquake just off Indonesia, this time measuring about 8.2 in the Richter scale. Tsunami warnings have been issued but no news yet if there have been any waves. Unconfirmed reports say “dozens” have been killed on the Indonesian island of Nias. Update 1: Magnitude 8.7. And BBC reports hundreds killed. Update 2: [...]

O’Connor loses medal

Cian O’Connors and Irelands only 2004 Olympic medal has been taken away. Showjumper O’Connor lost the glad medal yesterday after the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) ruling that his horse had tested positive for banned substances. We seem to be better at losing medals than winning them!

Gaeltacht signposts now only as Gaeilge

From today signposts in the Gaeltachtaí will only be as Gaeilge. No doubt there will be whingers complaining about this, highlighting the difficulty it will cause for tourists etc. (as discussed on Slugger a while back). But God only knows how these same people manage when they go to France or Spain where they can’t [...]

Vigilante border partols

On April 1st the Minuteman Project will start in Arizona, where volunteers from across the US will spend up to one month camped out in the desert armed with night vision goggles, radios and light aircraft, their job – to watch for illegal immigrants coming across the border from Mexico. Don’t be surprised if that’s [...]

New plastic bullets for the North

The Policing Board of Northern Ireland has approved a new type of plastic bullet for use by the PSNI. Plastic bullets have had extensive use in the North and resulted in quite a number of deaths over the years. The new version of this “non-lethal” weapon is supposed to be less likely to cause serious [...]

Open Office as Gaeilge

Those of you enjoying Firefox as Gaeilge may be interested to hear that Open Office localization is ongoing. Yes, soon this great *free* office suite will be available in Irish. Check out their localization site and if you have the time why not volunteer to help out.

John Wayne specials for Northern Ireland

Via Cloudlands by John Breslin I discover (a bit late) that TG4 is now available in Northern Ireland, it just goes from bad to worse there doesn’t it? This following the sale in January of Ros na Rún to WYBE Philadelphia it looks like TG4 is spreading her wings. I haven’t had much opportunity to [...]