IRA offers to shoot McCarthy’s killers
Apparantly the IRA offered to shoot the killers of Robert McCarthy. Disgusting – that’s the only think I can think of to say. It’s astounding.
Apparantly the IRA offered to shoot the killers of Robert McCarthy. Disgusting – that’s the only think I can think of to say. It’s astounding.
Believe it or not Bono has been suggested for the role of head of the World Bank by the LA Times and US Treasury Secretary John Snow has said he would not rule out the idea of Bono making the shortlist of potential candidates!! It’s also believed that Bono might be among the nominees for [...]
I really didn’t think this sort of thing still went on these days. A tribunal is ongoing in Reading in which a Galway woman is claiming under the Race Discrimination Act that she suffered racial abuse at work. It makes interesting reading. Sad to see this sort of thing still happens, no doubt the number [...]