Posted by maca on March 25, 2005
The Policing Board of Northern Ireland has approved a new type of plastic bullet for use by the PSNI. Plastic bullets have had extensive use in the North and resulted in quite a number of deaths over the years. The new version of this “non-lethal” weapon is supposed to be less likely to cause serious [...]
Posted by maca on March 25, 2005
Those of you enjoying Firefox as Gaeilge may be interested to hear that Open Office localization is ongoing. Yes, soon this great *free* office suite will be available in Irish. Check out their localization site and if you have the time why not volunteer to help out.
Posted by maca on March 25, 2005
Via Cloudlands by John Breslin I discover (a bit late) that TG4 is now available in Northern Ireland, it just goes from bad to worse there doesn’t it? This following the sale in January of Ros na Rún to WYBE Philadelphia it looks like TG4 is spreading her wings. I haven’t had much opportunity to [...]
Posted by maca on March 25, 2005
Blogging has been brutally slow here for weeks now, work is shaggin busy. But if you follow the wee link to you’ll get a nice collection of Irish weblogs which, unlike this site, are of a standard actually worth visiting. And don’t forget Slugger, always worth a gander, and where you’ll find me most [...]