Daily Archives: March 28, 2005

Another earthquake!

There’s been another earthquake just off Indonesia, this time measuring about 8.2 in the Richter scale. Tsunami warnings have been issued but no news yet if there have been any waves. Unconfirmed reports say “dozens” have been killed on the Indonesian island of Nias. Update 1: Magnitude 8.7. And BBC reports hundreds killed. Update 2: [...]

O’Connor loses medal

Cian O’Connors and Irelands only 2004 Olympic medal has been taken away. Showjumper O’Connor lost the glad medal yesterday after the Federation Equestre Internationale (FEI) ruling that his horse had tested positive for banned substances. We seem to be better at losing medals than winning them!

Gaeltacht signposts now only as Gaeilge

From today signposts in the Gaeltachtaí will only be as Gaeilge. No doubt there will be whingers complaining about this, highlighting the difficulty it will cause for tourists etc. (as discussed on Slugger a while back). But God only knows how these same people manage when they go to France or Spain where they can’t [...]

Vigilante border partols

On April 1st the Minuteman Project will start in Arizona, where volunteers from across the US will spend up to one month camped out in the desert armed with night vision goggles, radios and light aircraft, their job – to watch for illegal immigrants coming across the border from Mexico. Don’t be surprised if that’s [...]