Posted by maca on April 5, 2005
Outstanding. Dublin blogger Twenty Major is applying for the position of Pope. Excellent piece, save to hard drive for future giggles. “Dear The Vatican, in response to your advertisement in the Irish Independent jobs section on April 4th 2005 I would like to apply for the position of Bishop of Rome, better known as The [...]
Posted by maca on April 5, 2005
Very interesting piece here from Fergus Cassidy on a very important case in the US which has far-reaching implications: the copyright infringement case against Grokster and Morpheus, two P2P companies. Worth a read.
Posted by maca on April 5, 2005
Longford Town finally got some points in the Setanta Cup. After losing their first game 2-1 to Glentoran two weeks ago, tonight they overcame Linfield thanks to two first half goals to give them invaluable points in this inaugural year of the Setanta Cup. The Town’s next game is at home against Glentoran on the [...]
Posted by maca on April 4, 2005
Irish language blogs are pretty thin on the ground but they do exist. Via the excellent An t-Imeall (Blag ón Imeall) I discovered An Caomhach le Séamas Poncán, Gaeilgeoir na Fionlainne by a very talented Finn, Muddle-Headed Memes and Musings by the Muddle Headed Wombat (blog titles/authors don’t come much cooler than that), Domhan April [...]
Posted by maca on April 3, 2005
I’ve been a fan of U2 for many years, since around 1984 although I didn’t actually buy any albums until 1987 when I got The Joshua Tree. I started building my collection then and collected all the albums (mostly on tape, I still use tapes believe it or not) until they released The Best of [...]
Posted by maca on April 3, 2005
Robert Friedman, Perspective editor for the St. Petersburg Times prepares “a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues” following the death of Terri Shiavo. Well worth a read. Hat tip to ‘Davros’ who posted the link on Slugger.
Posted by maca on April 3, 2005
Pope John Paul II has died in Rome aged 84. According to a statement issued by the Vatican he died at 8.37pm GMT April 2nd. Whatever you think of the man or the Catholic church it cannot be denied that during his 26 years as leader of the Roman Catholic church he was a force [...]
Posted by maca on April 2, 2005
Prince Charles appears to have stuck his foot in it yesterday. When giving time for the media while skiing in Switzerland, an annual event, Charles was heard to mutter to his sons “I hate these people,” and “Bloody people. I can’t bear that man anyway. He’s so awful, he really is.” Matters not, when he’s [...]
Posted by maca on April 1, 2005
Just noticed on my gmail accont my storage capacity is now up to 1550 Mb! A quick check of the New Features page and I see that Googles plan is to extend their service to over the 2Gb mark!! “To celebrate our one-year birthday, we’re giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party [...]
Posted by maca on April 1, 2005
Just got a new external hard drive yesterday. Cash is tight and since I didn’t need that much storage space anyway I just went for a simple option, the Lacie P2 80Gb [link shows the firewire version]. It does the job … for now. I’m still dreaming of winning a few pound and buying the [...]