Daily Archives: April 1, 2005

Gmail a Growing

Just noticed on my gmail accont my storage capacity is now up to 1550 Mb! A quick check of the New Features page and I see that Googles plan is to extend their service to over the 2Gb mark!! “To celebrate our one-year birthday, we’re giving everyone one more gigabyte. But why stop the party [...]

New hardy drive

Just got a new external hard drive yesterday. Cash is tight and since I didn’t need that much storage space anyway I just went for a simple option, the Lacie P2 80Gb [link shows the firewire version]. It does the job … for now. I’m still dreaming of winning a few pound and buying the [...]

Pontiff checking out

Pope John Paul II has suffered another blow to his health, yesterday afternoon he experienced septic shock and heart failure after developing a urinary tract infection. His condition is being described as “very serious” and last night he was read the last rites. Looks like it’s the end for our 84 yr old Pontiff. Update: [...]