Daily Archives: April 3, 2005

My U2 quest

I’ve been a fan of U2 for many years, since around 1984 although I didn’t actually buy any albums until 1987 when I got The Joshua Tree. I started building my collection then and collected all the albums (mostly on tape, I still use tapes believe it or not) until they released The Best of [...]

Living will is the best revenge

Robert Friedman, Perspective editor for the St. Petersburg Times prepares “a more detailed advance directive dealing with end-of-life issues” following the death of Terri Shiavo. Well worth a read. Hat tip to ‘Davros’ who posted the link on Slugger.

Pope John Paul II (18th May 1920 – 2nd April 2005)

Pope John Paul II has died in Rome aged 84. According to a statement issued by the Vatican he died at 8.37pm GMT April 2nd. Whatever you think of the man or the Catholic church it cannot be denied that during his 26 years as leader of the Roman Catholic church he was a force [...]