Daily Archives: May 9, 2005

Happy Orgasm Day!

It’s Orgasm Day today in the Brazilian town of Espertantina. “Mayor Santolia said the remote town of 38,000 people has been unofficially celebrating orgasm day for years, but that the town’s former mayor had vetoed a bill making it an official municipal holiday.” “We’re celebrating orgasm in all its senses.” God-damn I’m in the wrong [...]

Grenade attack in Limerick

It’s a friggin warzone. Some gang members from one of the main criminal gangs in Limerick launched a grenade attack on a house in the city yesterday. It’s like fecking Beirut. And they say serious crime is down … arse! Get the finger out McDowell.

Slow blogging…

Yep, it’s been slow. I’ve just been completely lazy in the past week or so. And work, where I usually manage to blog at least once per day, has been damn busy. It’s hard to believe it’s May already (this would have been more appropriate last week, when I intended to post it, but anyway…). [...]

Speaking of Firefox…

… and in particular the Irish translation of … did you notice that Firefox has passed the 50 million user mark? Plus that’s 50 million of only Windows, Mac OSX and the generic Linux i686 install. According to ‘someone in the know’ if you were to add, for example, optimised G4 OSX builds, BeOS installations, [...]

How the Welsh do it…

The Irish language has often been compared with Welsh. While Welsh is still a threatened language it’s in way better shape than Irish, for quite many reasons, too many to go into tonight. One thing I noticed during my tiny involvement with the Irish localization of Firefox was just how active the Welsh folk are [...]