Daily Archives: May 23, 2005

Irish postcodes

This new postcode system they are planning for Ireland, to be implemented by 2008, is it really needed? How much is it going to cost? I don’t see any problem with the current system though perhaps from An Posts point of view it might make mail management a tad easier, from the mailers point of [...]

Belfast soccer riots

There were riots in North Belfast today following the Rangers & Celtic games [Rangers won the Scottish title, or rather Celtic threw it away conceding two goals in the last 2 minutes against Motherwell]. These sort of people [the rioters] are thick on so many levels. A couple of points for you uneducated fools: 1. [...]

Back online

Back from my trip out forrin’. Well I was back on Thursday night last but between been busy helping a friend move house, tiredness from the trip, a wee head cold and normal laziness I didn’t feel like blogging until now. ‘Twas a good trip, we visited a wee town in Hungary, in the north [...]