Monthly Archives: June 2005

A vacation is what you take…

… when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking – Earl Wilson You’ll notice the absence of posts in the last few days, I was up to my eyes this week, the reason … preparing for vacation! Tomorrow morning i’ll be catching a SAS flight for Dublin. Ahead is two and a bit [...]

Price of benziini

Can’t believe the price of petrol these days. I just got petrol a few hours ago … fifty fuckin two fuckin Euros. It wasn’t so long ago I could fill the tank with £20. I only own the car about 7 years, the price has doubled during that time. Bastards!

Is Brendán talking through his Erse?

I’d heard via Slugger that the Sunday Indo launched a ‘stinging editorial on the EU’s recognition of the Irish language’ so I went asearching. I don’t know if this is the one Mick was referring to but Brendan O’Connor has cúpla focal [registration cheat] to say. It’s quite possible the article is tongue in cheek [...]

Forrin keyboards

You have possibly noticed that on every forum or mailing list where you are likely to get some Irish somebody has raised the question of how to add fadas. And in response people have posted all kinds of solutions like using a character map, or downloading keyboard layouts or using Alt Gr, or even using [...]

Golf dunny

A friend recently returned from a stay in China and had some interesting advice to give to others travelling there. Of the many points he raised two in particular stood out for me, basically because I have a sick mind, food and ‘food disposal’. To deal with the latter first … generally in China they [...]

De Brún EP speech as Gaeilge

Bairbre de Brún became the first person to address the European Parliment in Irish today following the decision to make Irish a working language. About EU has all the details including the speech text. I didn’t think anyone was allowed to use Irish in the EP just yet, I thought it wasn’t coming in to [...]

Sail away sail away…

I was looking forward to see how they would get on with this Cosmos-1 Solar Sail experiment, but it looks as if they’ve lost the damn thing. I suppose when you stick a pimped intercontinental ballistic missile up it’s ass and fire it off from a nuclear sub there’s a good chance something could go [...]

New childcare funding package

Now this interets me. Michael McDowell’s expected to announce details of a multi-million Euro package for childcare services thoughout the country. Reports say the funding would be used to encourage groups to set up after school childcare services in school buildings. Thinking about moving back to Ireland one of the biggest concerns for me is [...]

Human rights denied

Should underwear be a basic human right? How about razor blades? Twenty seems to think so. Maybe it’s time to take to the streets and demand change!

IRA victim search

The Irish & British Governments are to fund a forensic expert who will be tasked with finding the bodies of 5 young men who were murdered and secretly buried by the IRA back in the 70′s and early 80′s. Some of the candidates being looked at have experience in locating bodies in Bosnia and also [...]