Daily Archives: June 16, 2005

A lost childhood

The sad story of a Congolese child, how she has tried to make a life for herself despite losing her parents, living rough & working for food, and watching her sister die on the streets of Kinshasa. Just one of a million tragic stories in Africa. Makes ya think doesn’t it?

Murdering scum

Some masked gunmen stormed a school today holding the young kids as hostage. Initially there were about 70 kids, aged 2-6 but the gunmen later released 30. They were demanding money, weapons and transport and when they didn’t get all that they wanted they shot one of the kids and threatened to shoot the other [...]

Guinness out forrin

Twenty has an interesting one about the quality of Guinness abroad so I thought i’d add my Finnmarks’s worth. It’s a subject close to me heart … it’s not just teabags we expats (I don’t remember being a pats in the first place but whatever..) miss, nor taytos (the real ones) it’s also da black [...]