Monthly Archives: August 2005

Popes first foreign visit

Pope Benedict is setting out on the first foreign visit of his 4 month old pontificate. He is travelling to Cologne in Germany for the Catholic Youth festival. The Pope was spotted yesterday, pictured below, on his way to Cologne. He has ditched his usual form of transport, the Pope mobile, and chose instead to [...]

Progress in Irish: Lesson 5

Lesson 5 of Progress in Irish.

Shocking blunders alleged in police shooting

Some very troubling information has come to light regarding the shooting of Brazilian man Jean Charles de Menezes in London the day after the recent bombings. It is alleged that many of the initial reports of his movements were false. According to ITV De Menezes entered the train station at a normal walking pace, not [...]

iRiot – The Power of the Mac

Via Slashdot, 1000 used iBooks went on sale at $50 each in Virginia USofA resulting in absolute iChaos. As soon as the doors opened there was an iStampede for the laptops as screaming people dove in to the iShop. People were thrown to the iFloor, others beaten with a folding iChairs and one fucker even [...]

Venezuela Plane Crash

Shit, another plane crash, this time in Venezuela where a plane carrying holidaymakers went out of control and crashed after reporting engine trouble. All 160 passengers were killed. Shocking.

You Don’t Have To Answer Your Mobile Phone

Two mobile phone articles for you, and both via “techdirt“. How many people answer a phone each & every time it rings? Well, you don’t HAVE to answer it ya know! Seemingly there is a difference between how young people, who have grown up in the mobile age, operate phones and adults who still remember [...]

Firefox downloads Firefoxes

Via Slashdot, Firefox hit the 80,000,000 downloads mark on Sunday. Phenomenal! And don’t forget, is féidir libh Firefox a úsáid i nGaeilge freisin, íoslódáil anseo!

King Charlie … the friggin goat!

This was passed on to me this morning by one of the blokes at work. It’s about the Puck Fair and the crowning of a goat as King of Ireland. Nice tradition one might say but very simply if you want to look like fucking eejits what better way is there to do it than [...]

Greece plane crash

No doubt you’ve seen this by now. A short time ago a plane crashed in Greece, just north of Athens, with 121 people on board. More than likely everyone on board had died, I can’t imagine anyone could have survived. Originally there were a few theories being thrown around from terrorism to failure of the [...]

End of an era

Hey, if UI can use it so can I ! In this case the era at an end is my wireless mouse era. The left click button on my mouse has been driving me nuts, it hasn’t been working right at all recently. It made it impossible to do any modelling and even using the [...]