Posted by maca on August 1, 2005
I ran into my favourite Finnish celeb the other day. We were just going to the supermarket and who should I see coming out but the gorgeous Janna Pelkonen, ex-host of a computer game show “Tilt”. And shortly afterwards we saw her again in the chippers. She’s actually from this city but i’d never seen her before. And also from this city are Krisse, a comedian who has her own comedy talk show and Jari Litmanen the footballer.
Posted by maca on August 1, 2005
More spacey news. A huge patch of ice has been found in an unnamed crater on Mars. “The photographs were taken by the High Resolution Stereo Camera on board Mars Express, the European Space Agency probe which is exploring the planet.” “The existence of the water-ice patch on Mars raises the prospect that past or present life will one day be detected.”
And since reading this I can’t get the Bowie song “Life on Mars” out of my head, not that I mind, Bowie’s deadly.
Posted by maca on August 1, 2005
Didn’t get a chance to post on this before now though it’s beeen in the news a few days. Astronomers have reported the discovery of a 10th planet in our solar system. It was first actually seen in 2003 but only now confirmed as a planet. “2003 UB313″ is a planet of rock and ice, somewhat larger than Pluto and about 3 times as far away. I wonder what name they will give it? I wonder when Celestia will add it to their program.
Update: Will we lose Pluto? *sniff*
Posted by maca on August 1, 2005
The Israeli military will in future use sand bullets for riot control, replacing rubber bullets which have been responsible for dozens of deaths. Perhaps the PSNI might consider a similar move. Although rubber bullets are not used much anymore in NI [they were used quite recently but that was the first time in about 3 [...]