Posted by maca on August 18, 2005
Via Something Interesting Happens Everyday I discovered this Irish Proficiency Test from Transparent Language. These sort of tests are excellent for showing you just how crap you are at a language. I got about a quarter of the way down when I got depressed and gave up. Give it a go though, it’s a good [...]
Posted by maca on August 18, 2005
A Ecuadorian ship sank yesterday killing more than 100 people. Now, I get most of my news from BBC World, excellent site in my opinion, and it just seemed to me that this story didn’t get half the attention that the plane crash in Greece did. Is it the fact that the people who drowned [...]
Posted by maca on August 18, 2005
Pope Benedict is setting out on the first foreign visit of his 4 month old pontificate. He is travelling to Cologne in Germany for the Catholic Youth festival. The Pope was spotted yesterday, pictured below, on his way to Cologne. He has ditched his usual form of transport, the Pope mobile, and chose instead to [...]
Posted by maca on August 18, 2005
Lesson 5 of Progress in Irish.