Posted by maca on September 29, 2005
That’s what it looks like. On a MUTV phone-in Keane said: “I would like to play another year or two but I do not think it will be at Manchester United,” His contract is up this summer and if he doesn’t get a new contract before then he’ll already have made up his mind to [...]
Posted by maca on September 27, 2005
…or even Deep Impact. No roughneck oil drillers dropping nukes down holes, no Morgan Freeman “Life will go on” speeches, no quirky one-liners by American heroes on a suicide mission to drive their shuttle into the side of a big hairy rock, and no fucking Aerosmith songs. Nothing like that at all, but not far [...]
Posted by maca on September 27, 2005
Returning to the subject of the space elevator because there was an interesting development over the weekend. The LiftPort Group, the blokes wot are developing a space lift, tested a robot climber, which crawled up a length of “ribbon” which was attached to a high altitude balloon. “The test run, conducted earlier this week, is [...]
Posted by maca on September 25, 2005
I was just browsing the BBC web site and came across “A letter with a lingering message“. It’s the 50th anniversary of “From Our Own Correspondent” and Feargal Keane looks back at a contribution he made to the program 10 years ago. “Letter to Daniel” is a letter Feargal addressed to his newborn son about [...]
Posted by maca on September 25, 2005
Well that’s according to the report which General John de Chastelain is to hand to the British & Irish Governments tomorrow! What confuses me is Dermot Aherns statement today that he was confident complete decommissioning would happen, and Gerry Adams statement this weekend that it would happen in the “near future”. I just would have [...]
Posted by maca on September 24, 2005
Via Slashdot, the IFPI have released new software called the Digital File Check [not worth linking to] which checks your computer for file sharing software then launches a wizard to disable or uninstall the software. The program will also search for illegal music, movies and even images! Danger on TCAL makes an interesting point; It [...]
Posted by maca on September 23, 2005
I just had to post this. Via Slashdot I came across this very cool homemade “sentry gun”. It’s basically an FN P90 ‘BB’ gun, set up on a camera tripod with a few servo motors & servo controller and operated by a home coded program which accesses the images from a digital camera for the [...]
Posted by maca on September 23, 2005
Some big[-ish] news from the browser world this week, Opera have made the decision to offer their browser for free. This is a huge move for Oslo based Opera who before this charged $39 for their browser (there was also a free version with annoying ads at the top). With 100,000 buyers per year the [...]
Posted by maca on September 22, 2005
I’m fascinated by the “space elevator” idea. It still really sounds like science fiction but apparently the technology needed to complete such a project already exists. Keithcu explains some of the technology involved and argues why NASA should be focussing on this rather than putting people back on the moon. I’m curious why Bush/NASA are [...]
Posted by maca on September 22, 2005
While much attention is given to the aftermath of Katrina and the Rita build up has anyone noticed the storms in South Asia? Hundreds killed/missing, a hundred thousand left homeless. These people suffer quite badly from storms & flooding, they don’t get enough news coverage.