Monthly Archives: September 2005

As líne go ceann cúpla lá

I’m off out forrin on a business trip for a couple of days, should be back online Wednesday or Thursday … just in case you notice the lack of posting in the coming days. Till then, g’luck.

Re-run of Orange Order Parade

I can’t believe they have the cheek, the Orange Order is planning to apply to the Parades Commission to re-run last weekends parade. Last Saturday’s parade was banned from the nationalist Springfield Road and led to three nights of loyalist riots! Do they want to do it all over again? Are they right in the [...]

Irelands population highest in 144yrs

Interesting to read that Ireland’s population hit 4.13million [registration cheat] last April, the highest it has been since 1861!! Natural population increase as well as an influx of immigrants (70,000 in the year to April 2005) combined to stretch our population by 2.2% which is way ahead of the rest of Europe. Not only have [...]

Migrating birds

I saw the most amazing migration of birds the other evening. Ok, birds tend to migrate whenever i’m in the pub, usually to the opposite corners, but i’m referring to our feathered friends here. We were just going shopping and as we parked our car we saw hundreds of cranes flying overhead [where else can [...]

Google Blog Search

Via Slashdot, Google Blog Search beta has been released. Nothing special so far. I searched for my own site and found a pile of, what I can only call, “spam blogs”. It’s still in beta I suppose.

Pre-emptive strike powers

The Pentagon (US DoD HQ) has drafted a revised doctrine governing the use of nuclear weapons which envisions the use of nuclear weapons in pre-emptive strikes against nations or terrorists with WMD’s. The draft document also includes the options of using nuclear weapons to strike at an enemy’s stockpile of NBC weapons. This move follows [...]

Belfast or Basra?

[came across this photo album via Twentys homeless posting]

Your own phone as a VoIP phone

Via Slashdot; apparently there’s a wee device (listed on Gozmondo) which allows you to use your own existing mobile phone to make VoIP calls. You just plug the “imFONE” (produced by Korean company Enustech) into the USB port on your computer, pair it via Bluetooth to your phone and that’s it. Unfortunately it only works [...]

Jeffrey & his colombian pals

I see that Jeffrey Donaldson has returned from Colombia with news that the Colombian government will formally request the extradition of the ‘Colombian Three’. Jeffrey, old chum, this issue is between the Irish Government and the Colombian government, why don’t you fuck off and mind your own business. Indeed why don’t you put as much [...]

Noel Cantwell dies

Very sad to read the news that former Red Devil and Rep. Ireland captain Noel Cantwell has died. Our Cork born Busby Babe was a double international, representing Ireland in both soccer and cricket. Sincerest condolances to his family.