Monthly Archives: November 2005

Feckin winter.

   Just took a couple of quick snaps out my office/cubicle/corner window. Feckin winter. Edit: Which reminds me, the macamobile needs new winter tyres.

Firefox 1.5 online!

Firefox 1.5 has just been released! Unfortunately the Irish version is not out yet, it was due to be released at the same time but it hasn’t been cleared by the relevant pers in Mozilla as far as I know. Hopefully we’ll have it soon. You’ll notice that they’ve also done some work on the [...]

New Irish blogger for Slugger

Slugger O’Toole have a new Irish language blogger, Cathal O Foirreidh. Mick had previously mentioned to me that perhaps I could contribute some Irish posts to Slugger [since I spend so much time there anyway] but with my remedial Irish there was never a chance, so I’m delighted to see Cathal taking this role. If [...]

YaILP: Yet another Irish language poll

A telephone poll carried out on behalf of Foinse [an overhaul of that website is long overdue lads!] shows the public is split over whether or not Irish should be a compulsory subject in schools. The poll revealed [registration cheat] that 65% of people under 34 think that Irish should remain a compulsory subject but [...]

Bruce Lee 27th November 1940 – 20th July 1973

On this day, November 27th, in the Year of the Dragon (1940) Lee Jun Fan was born in a Chinatown hospital in San Francisco. His father and mother travelled to the US as his father, Lee Hoi Chuen was performing with the Cantonese Opera Company. Lee Jun Fan, otherwise known as Bruce Lee, would go [...]

Craving Bowie

I’ve had an awful craving for some David Bowie recently, not any of his newer stuff, I need the golden oldies. Problem is I can’t bloody find my Changes Bowie tape anywhere which only makes the craving worse. I was reading an Irish book earlier (ok it was just a phrase book for parents) and [...]

Greats Passing on…

As you probably know soccer legend George Best has died in hospital at the age of 59. I won’t waste much time on him because although he was probably the most talented player to ever come from this island he was given a second chance at life with a liver transplant but pissed it away. [...]

Jadotville soldiers honoured

I’m delighted to read the news this morning that the Irish soldiers who fought at Jadotville in the Congo are finally being honoured by the state today. Willie “Bad motherfucker” O’Dea is to unveil a commemorative plaque at Custume Army Barracks in Athlone at 4.30pm with the CoS of the DF, Lt.Gen. Jim Sreenan. The [...]

Ireland slide again in FIFA rankings

The ROI soccer team slid further down the FIFA rankings following our failure to quality for the world cup. We’re now lying in 23rd behind great soccer nations like Iran, Costa Rica, Greece and Japan! Sad! The Scots have managed to climb one place to 61st, Wales have also moved up one to 72nd, the [...]

Gerry’s Browser Review

Gerry O’Sullivan is doing a review of the browsers he uses. It’s something I had intended to do but never found the energy. So far he has reviewed Safari [Safari home] and Camino [Camino home] (both Mac only) and i’m sure there’s more to come. Btw if you’re a Mac user Microsoft actually recommends that [...]