Daily Archives: November 23, 2005

Ireland slide again in FIFA rankings

The ROI soccer team slid further down the FIFA rankings following our failure to quality for the world cup. We’re now lying in 23rd behind great soccer nations like Iran, Costa Rica, Greece and Japan! Sad! The Scots have managed to climb one place to 61st, Wales have also moved up one to 72nd, the [...]

Gerry’s Browser Review

Gerry O’Sullivan is doing a review of the browsers he uses. It’s something I had intended to do but never found the energy. So far he has reviewed Safari [Safari home] and Camino [Camino home] (both Mac only) and i’m sure there’s more to come. Btw if you’re a Mac user Microsoft actually recommends that [...]

Review: Gaelic Games Football

I’ve finally gotten my copy of GGF and had a chance to review it (1 night). Before I start I think it’s important to note that there’s no point comparing the game to the best of the best football games (Pro Evolution Soccer 5 or FIFA 2006) after all GGF is produced by a tiny [...]