Daily Archives: November 30, 2005

Feckin winter.

   Just took a couple of quick snaps out my office/cubicle/corner window. Feckin winter. Edit: Which reminds me, the macamobile needs new winter tyres.

Firefox 1.5 online!

Firefox 1.5 has just been released! Unfortunately the Irish version is not out yet, it was due to be released at the same time but it hasn’t been cleared by the relevant pers in Mozilla as far as I know. Hopefully we’ll have it soon. You’ll notice that they’ve also done some work on the [...]

New Irish blogger for Slugger

Slugger O’Toole have a new Irish language blogger, Cathal O Foirreidh. Mick had previously mentioned to me that perhaps I could contribute some Irish posts to Slugger [since I spend so much time there anyway] but with my remedial Irish there was never a chance, so I’m delighted to see Cathal taking this role. If [...]