Monthly Archives: December 2005

Nollaig shona daoibh! Happy Christmas!

Beidh aistear fada romhainn amárach, tógfaidh sé sé uair an chloig sa charr, ar a laghad. Rachaidh muid ó thuaidh go dtí teach mháthair mo bhanchara. Beidh mé ar ais ar líne ar an gCéadaoin seo chugainn, go dtí sin tugaigí aire daoibh féin agus tóg bog é! Tá súil agam go mbeidh Nollaig deas [...]

The Irish tax dodge

… is what some are calling it. I’m referring to the IDA’s policy of attracting foreign investment by dropping corporate tax to a mere 12.5% (compared to 35% in the US). This issue has been covered a number of times on Techdirt, they looked at both Microsoft & Google who have set up here for [...]

10k Milestone

It’s sort of a milestone today for Raiméis (or Ráiméis if you’re posh). Since I started tracking my blog stats back in August of this year I have received 10,000 visitors! I’m quite pleased with that considering I put so little effort into promoting my blog. So thanks for visiting, I hope you didn’t suffer [...]

Performancing Firefox extension

This is what I have been missing, a wordpress blogging extension for Firefox!  “Performancing” works with a number of blog types which are easy to set-up (at least it was with wordpress), it’s key or icon activated and opens up a nice blog editor right in the firefox window.  Deadly handy!There’s nothing stopping me now [...]

Weird habits

Bhuel, after getting tagged by both UI & Fi I guess I better show you just how “weird” I am. • I ‘air drum’, sad I know. But not to Europe or any groovy bands like that, usually Audioslave or U2. • I sing when driving in a very high pitched dreadfully off key voice [...]

Fowl play in Cavan

I just had to laugh. “Drivers were warned today to beware of chickens crossing the road in Cavan.” Why, were they armed? Were they targeting civilian vehicles? Perhaps they were the armed wing of the chicken resistance group, Cairde na nÉan? Or maybe a viscious splinter group, An Briogáid Eireog? The response by the Gardaí [...]

High ate us

Apologies for the lack of activity here recently, especially with responses to your posts, i’ve been a bit preoccupied. To make up for it it’ll give you one incident from my list of “Potentially Embarrassing Moments”. PEM #43: A couple of years ago I was working on a development project with a fairly high profile [...]

Internet supplier row

I’m having a bit of a tussle with my internet supplier, I was wondering if anyone had some advice. I currently have a 2Mb ADSL connection which I changed to recently. Anytime I do a bandwidth speed test with a number of different websites (most US based but usually this one) I get a result [...]

New Irish Language Search Engine

I’m delighted to be one of the first to announce the release of a new Irish language search engine, What makes this search engine so special is that it only indexes Irish language documents. It also includes some advanced features special to the language such as ignoring mutations and dealing with non-standard spellings. The [...]


The .eu top level domain is now available. !