Posted by maca on December 21, 2005
… is what some are calling it. I’m referring to the IDA’s policy of attracting foreign investment by dropping corporate tax to a mere 12.5% (compared to 35% in the US). This issue has been covered a number of times on Techdirt, they looked at both Microsoft & Google who have set up here for [...]
Posted by maca on December 21, 2005
It’s sort of a milestone today for Raiméis (or Ráiméis if you’re posh). Since I started tracking my blog stats back in August of this year I have received 10,000 visitors! I’m quite pleased with that considering I put so little effort into promoting my blog. So thanks for visiting, I hope you didn’t suffer [...]
Posted by maca on December 21, 2005
This is what I have been missing, a wordpress blogging extension for Firefox! “Performancing” works with a number of blog types which are easy to set-up (at least it was with wordpress), it’s key or icon activated and opens up a nice blog editor right in the firefox window. Deadly handy!There’s nothing stopping me now [...]