Posted by maca on January 19, 2006
The news these days is dominated by pretty much the same stories, suicide bombings and/or coalition “precision” bombings in Afghanistan/Pakistan, suicide bombing and/or coalition “precision” bombings in Iraq, suicide bombings and/or other bombings elsewhere on our wee planet, not to mention Iran telling Israel “go fuck yourself” while charging up the aul nuclear reactors and [...]
Posted by maca on January 18, 2006
Deadly. I was just checking the weather forecast on and noticed that the website is available in Irish (the standard site menus/headers)! Excellent, it’s quite rare to see international sites in Irish, apart from Google or the like. (Welsh is there too) Btw, unless your browser language is Irish you’ll need to set the [...]
Posted by maca on January 18, 2006
I hope you can forgive the lack of activity here recently. I’ve managed to contract some sort of bug and my head has been pounding for over a week now so it’s been hard to focus long enough to get a post out. You’d think the cold temperatures* would kill all these bugs but somehow [...]
Posted by maca on January 12, 2006
Via Slashdot, Nikon UK posted a press release yesterday announcing that they will end production of 35mm cameras, including many lenses and other related accessories, so they can focus on the growing digital market. I guess it’s obvious companies would go this way, digital cameras are becoming more popular than ever and that’s where the [...]
Posted by maca on January 10, 2006
As the title sez, Thunderbird 1.5 is due out tomorrow. I’m not sure yet if the Irish version will be released at the same time or not, I guess we’ll find out tomorrow (probably US time) but i’ll update you if I have any further info (for those that like to keep ahead of the [...]
Posted by maca on January 9, 2006
Oh no, are they serious? Steve Staunton to be new manager of the Irish soccer team? Prepare for a few more years of shite results in Lansdowne Road.
Posted by maca on January 6, 2006
I’m trying to get back into 3D modelling again, I totally suck at it so it can be hard to muster the motivation sometimes. Anywayz I started working on a gun recently, the model is about 90% complete, here is the first render, some fixes and fine tuning still needed, you can easily spot some [...]
Posted by maca on January 5, 2006
I can’t believe my eyes. Co. Clare FF Councillor Flan Garvey has said that rural dwellers should be excused from drink driving because for many of them the pub is their only social outlet and since they live locally they will be more familiar with the roads and would drive more carefully. Is this lad [...]
Posted by maca on January 4, 2006
The GAA may name a trophy or stadium after Michael Collins, at least that’s the wish of GAA Prez Sean Kelly. Personally I’m quite surprised we don’t already have a trophy/stadium named after the Big Fellow who was surely one of the most charismatic and inspiring Irish leaders of the last century.
Posted by maca on January 4, 2006
I recently got a ‘new’ computer in work, it included this cool toy, a spaceball. Even the name is cool. I just have to figure out how to use it now.