Daily Archives: February 17, 2006

Winter Olympics Commentary: Sport warfare

Curling is not a sport, is it? It can’t be. I turned on tv yesterday and curling was on and before I knew it time passed and I was still watching it. It’s only when I looked at the clock I realised I had been watching it for 10 minutes without feeling the need to [...]

Tech & mobile news

Two quick tech stories … Via Slashdot, Michael Thomas, owner of Colossal Storage, says he’s the first person to solve non-contact optical spintronics (huh?) which should ultimately result in the creation of super capacity hard drives of approx. 1.2 petabytes, which is … I dunno … like a brazilian times bigger than anything available now. [...]

Winter Olympics Commentary: Career Changes

A message for Rory Morrish who represented Ireland today in the Men’s 15 km Classical Cross Country Skiing… • The best skiers start last … so when you start among the first of 100 skiers take it as a bad sign. • When almost every Tom, Dick and Henrik from Argentina to Ethiopia (Ethiopia for [...]