Monthly Archives: March 2006

The good, the bad and the dog ugly…

The Good – My exotic dancing tour of the Far East is at an end. I’m home, recovered from the few viruses I picked up over there and am ready for blogging again. – I’ve been made an offer for my domain … 4 figures … i’ve accepted. The Bad I’m out of tea bags. [...]

Slow blogging

Blogging may be slow here for the next two weeks or so. I’m off on a business trip tomorrow and I’m not sure if there’ll be net access where i’m heading. For those of you going to the Irish Blog Awards this weekend have a good night, make sure to pass on my regards to [...]

Stan da man

Great result in Lansdowne last night. Who could have predicted that? Three-nil against the Swedes. Well done Stan and lads. I was totally against Stan getting the managers job, I still don’t think he’s the right man for the job but of course he’s manager now and no matter what we have to get behind [...]

Katapult game

It’s rare I post games here but i’ve been having good craic with this one, via TCAL, Sesam Katapult. (it’s in Nor-wee-gin but you can figure it out). My high score so far 1604.8/ALta.

Dublin riots revisited

I wanted to avoid posting much on the riots as the blogoshpere is saturated by commentary on Saturday’s events, hence my only post on the subject so far was short and simple (much like myself). However I wanted to highlight two points which I feel are very important. The Big lad (hat-tip UI) had the [...]