Monthly Archives: April 2006

Evolution slider

As posted on TCAL earlier today, the Evolution Slider, it’s outstanding work and well worth a look.

Mo shuíomh nua

Dúirt mé roimhe sin go bhfuil mé ag lorg URL nua. Bhuel, dóbair gur réitigh mé an URL a cheannach (at least at this moment, could change). Aistreoidh mé mo URL mar dhíol mé mo shuíomh reatha (fuair mé praghas den carr beag air) (shh, is Rún Stáit é). Cheannaigh mé an URL [...]

Easter Rising – The Movie

Isn’t it about time Hollywood made a block buster movie about the Easter Rising? Here’s what I think such a movie might be like… FADE IN: THE GPO DUBLIN, EASTER MONDAY 1916 Irish Soldiers of the IRB and ICA in itchy green uniforms take over strategic building in Dublin and at the front of the [...]

Spring … finally …

Oh joyous day! Spring has finally arrived in Finland and about bloody time, it’s the middle of April after all. Today is a sweltering +8°C and the sun is beaming down. Of course the place is still covered in snow (the young fella is out in the sand-slash-snow pit making sand-slash-slush castles) but at least [...]

Lazy shite

I was browsing through My Documents earlier and came across a file simply entitled “Bunachar Sonraí Nua.odb”, it was just a little reminder that 1. i’ve totally let my Irish slip in the past few months (as Cionaodh also reminded me of recently); and 2. I was supposed to be doing testing for the lads [...]

Domain name conundrum PT2

Thinking more about new domain names, i’m trying to create a short list. Here’s what I have so far … i’ve gone for odd, easy to remember or catchy names … madelk fiftypockets donotshake doomedtofail minorobsession samuraimac (ala Samurai jack) crankytank whatchamacallit This won’t be for the blog, it’ll be for the main tech site. [...]

As Damien Mulley points out the release of the .eu TLD has tuned into a bit of a debacle at least as far as GoDaddy is concerned. For those of you not familiar with the situation the .eu domain extension is now available to the public as the period for companies to register their .eu [...]

United sign €80m shirt deal

Ka-ching $$$

Psycho killer flu strikes the UK

Yep it’s confirmed, the poor Scottish swan struck down in his prime did indeed have the ‘highly pathogenic’ H5N1 strain of avian flu. As the Government’s “bird-flu advisory group” meet today to discuss the issue I wonder are we creating a whole lot of hype about nothing? Humans can die of this virus too of [...]

Denis Donaldson shot dead

Holy feck. Ex-Sinn Féiner-slash-British spy Denis Donaldson was tonight found shot dead in his cottage in Donegal! More coverage on United Irelander, Slugger.