Monthly Archives: May 2006

On the road

Blogging will be slow/non-existent over the next two weeks or so. Tomorrow i’ll be heading to Ireland for a weeks break (and to stock up on tea bags) and then to the Far East (or far west, depending on which way you’re facing) for another week assuming the bill payer approves the trip. I might [...]

More honours for Finland

Seems like as good a time as any to post on the Ice Hockey World Championships which are coming to an end in Latvia later tonight. Finland, disappointingly beaten 3-1 in their semi-final against the Czechs, just knocked 5 past Canada in today’s bronze medal match. A good end to a disappointing championship for Finland. [...]

Finland’s first Eurovision win

I don’t know how the fuck they pulled it off but Finland just blew away the competition tonight! Here they are … Lordi (from the semi-final) …

Oh Lordi!

The Eurovision is utter shit. Yes it is. And we’ll have to suffer through it again this weekend. I may have to leave the house when it’s on, herself will be watching it because Lordi made it to the final. Sad thing is Lordi were one of the better ones tonight. There were some downright [...]

3D space quickie

Anyone interested in 3D modelling and spacey things … Nasa have scaled dimensioned drawings of the various modules which make up the ISS (plus a handy exploded view) available for download in pdf format right about … here. Probably been online for yonks but I just found them. First person to send in their completed [...]

Postcards from Helsinki

Via (you might have just spotted this on is a collection of postcards/photos showing an alternative side to Helsinki. There’s a great selection of pictures, some pretty and some not so pretty, but well worth a browse. Although they seem to have a fetish for bums (not arses, the other bums).

Three Augustinians & a Rector walk into a church

You’ve probably read the news recently that three Augustinian priests concelebrated mass with a Church of Ireland Rector on Easter Sunday and got in some hot water over it? According to the news this morning the three priests have apologised to the RC Church authorities. I wasn’t going to post on this at all but [...]

Fluent Dysphasia

“Yu Ming is ainm dom” is possibly the most famous short Irish language film around. Maybe it’s because it’s award winning (won about 8 million awards), maybe because it’s a very well made nice story or maybe because of the message it sends about the Irish language. It seems to have gotten a lot more [...]

Cab drive on BBC News 24

Via TCAL, this is a classic, one to be bookmarked. Cab driver was mistakingly put on air for an interview about the Apple vs Beatles court case. Details on TCAL. Fair dues to him for playing along. His face at the start of the interview is priceless. Update: Again via TCAL, turns out the cabbie [...]

Linux for human beings

I’ve decided to give Linux a lash. I’m a Windows guy, I like point and click, nice and simple, no messing around with command lines or anything. I’ve been following the case of Linspire recently because it looks like one of the best Linux options for Windows users and although it’s not free it is [...]