Monthly Archives: May 2006

McKinnon loses extradition case

It’s a pity (but obvious) that Gary McKinnon lost his extradition case. Sure he broke the law blah blah blah, anyone who can show up such gross stupidity that appears to exist in the US DOD (or any such organisations for that matter) is a top man in my book! For those not familiar with [...]

Ladies weight lifting

Just watching ladies weight lifting, it’s my favourite women’s sport. It’s the only opportunity I get to shout “lovely snatch” at a woman without risking a slap in the puss. I wouldn’t like to get a slap off one of these women … except maybe her. Sorry.

Da Vinci Waste of Time

“This contest is offered only in the 50 states of the U.S. and the District of Columbia (“D.C.”)” Note to self: read the forking rules before devoting time to a competition. Bastid! Still, I suppose it was interesting anyway.

Pain pain go away

Tá póit orm. Bhí mé leath ar meisce aréir, tá pian i mo cheann anois agus tá mo ghoile ag cur isteach orm. I hate hangovers. Tis so rare I drink these days that when I do I suffer woeful hangovers.

Monday rant – the value of moms

I came across the following on Winds & Breezes and just had to post on it. According to, Stay at Home Moms in the U.S. would earn $134,121 p.a.

If paid, Stay at Home Moms would earn $134,121* annually (up from 2005′s salary of $131,471). Working Moms would earn $85,876 annually for the “mom job” portion of their work, in addition to their actual “work job” salary.

Adsense Excel Reports

I was pricking around with Excel trying to make some reports so I could more easily monitor my Adsense stats. I made the following template and thought that I may as well share it. It’s very basic (averages and totals each of the columns, draws a few basic graphs ) but it might save you [...]

Fun with headlines

Bit bored today, normal Monday feeling (yeah I know it’s Tuesday) so I thought I’d play with the news headlines again and funnily enough one of the items in the news today was in the news last time I had fun with headlines. BBC: Verdict due in Scream theft trial Verdict just in: It’s still [...]

Hauska vappua

“May Day is a name for various holidays celebrated on May 1 (or in the beginning of May), ranging from several festivals to International Workers’ Day.” So whatever you’re doing today, wearing funny sailor-type graduation hats and having a bonfire like the Finns, Morris Dancing like the English or celebrating Lei Day like the Hawaiians, [...]