Monthly Archives: June 2006

Heippa hei Suomi. No moi Irlanti!!

It’s the end of an era. Tomorrow I finish work, been here over 5 years, and in 2 weeks or so we leave Finland, for good. We’ll be back in Ireland mid-July looking for work so if you know of anyone looking for a somewhat-talented exotic dancer give me a buzz. I also do bar [...]

Spainish outlaw P2P filesharing??

Can this be true? A Spanish intellectual property law has finally banned unauthorized peer-to-peer file-sharing in Spain, making it a civil offense even to download content for personal use. My initial reaction is “you stupid fucking idiots, you’ve been spending too much time in the sun!!”, however i’ll give them the benefit of the doubt [...]

Éire Ireland

…that’s what we’ll be called at official European Union meetings in the future, since Irish will be an official and working language from the start of next year! p.s. to clarify what should be obvious, name change applys to signage and name plates!

A conversation with the big fella

This is deadly, via TCAL, iGod. Myself and the big lad don’t always see eye to eye… Me: Howya sham, what’s the crack? God: Is it the only one? Me: What? Is what the only one? God: Didn’t you understand it? Is that a rhetorical question? Me: No I didn’t. What are you talking about? [...]

Fun with headlines

Seems like as good a time as any to take a look at today’s headlines… Reuters: Mid-Atlantic hit with flooding Hmm… yeah … that’s why they call it an ocean dipstick. What next … send reporters to investigate rumours of snow in Antarctica? BBC: Bruno the bear shot dead in Alps. Apparently the bear was [...]

Juhannus pics

Crappy phone cam pics … this is where I was chillin’ out at the weekend. It looks a whole lot nicer in real life.

Colo(u)r schemes

Don’t panic … it’s just me fucking around with the colour schemes, trying to see if it’s possible to make it even worse than the last one …

Hauskaa Juhannusta kaikille!

I wouldn’t be a proper Finnish exile if I didn’t wish everyone a nice midsummer … so glad midsommar till alla! Update: The sad side of Juhannus is that each year someone dies in boating/alcohol/other accidents. This Juhannus eleven people died, seven of those in boating accidents, the rest in other accidents including one young [...]

Submarine search on Google Maps

Myself and a friend were just doing a quick submarine search on Google Maps … well, little searching actually as he knew where to find most of them. Anyway here are a few of the subs you can find if you know where to look. All links point directly to the Google Maps locations. Finland [...]

An Daingean … arís

The Dingle/Daingean issues is in the news again. Kerry Co. Council have announced details of a postal vote to be carried out in October on whether or not they want the bilingual name Dingle/Daingean Ui Chuis instead of An Daingean. Not that it’ll make much difference anyway as Ó’Cuiv is adamant that the decision he [...]