Monthly Archives: September 2006

Population growth expected in the North Wesht

Ya know what I just discovered today, condoms ["did he say condoms? lordi, ye can't be talking about such things like that in public. What'll Fr. Michael say?!!"] are very expensive in Ireland. Most shops e.g. Dunnes, seem to only sell Durex which run at over €16 for a 12 pack (Dunnes price checked today), [...]

Next generation

Haven’t had a Gaeilge post in yonks, I must attempt to string a few words together one of these days. The only related news I have is that the next generation of Maca [maca óg we'll call him] who has just started school has already developed a wee grá for the language. Everyday he comes [...]

Non-existent problems

I just switched to Smart recently and discovered that I can no longer send emails (using my own email account thro. Thunderbird). I checked the Smart website and found that I need to switch my outgoing mail server to I did so and tested it but no-go. So I called Smart who said “change [...]

Do you believe Bertie?

I don’t know, i’m just not convinced despite the sob story. Cynical Maca has a mistrust of politicians and finds it hard to believe there are any decent politicians in this country. Politician + money gifts/loans = yer average corrupt Irish politician? I dunno. What do you think? Lines are open!

F14 Tomcat to retire from Navy

Just spotted over on /. the US Navy is due to retire their remaining F-14 Tomcat fighters this week. It’s interesting news for those of you with an interest in military hardware. The F-14 was one of the more interesting fighters in the US arsenal with its twin engines & sweeping wings but was apparently [...]

Get well soon Richard

As you’ve probably read already, Richard Hammond, presenter on Top Gear & Brainiac was involved in a serious crash yesterday when he attempted to break the British land speed record. They were filming for Top Gear on an airfield near York (UK) when Richard’s car veered off course and crashed at approx. 300 mph. He’s [...]

More music downloads

Just downloaded a few more albums in the past few days. Johnny Cash‘s American V – A Hundred Highways (which I notice is on Rick O’Shea‘s Favourite New Albums list) and N.E.R.D.’s Fly or Die since my CD got a bit fucked up. One interesting album I downloaded is Billy Joel‘s An Innocent Man. I [...]

Ireland to command Kosovo mission

Outstanding news for the Irish Defence Forces. From August of next year until July 2008 Ireland will take control of the peace keeping mission in Kosovo! They will be responsible for the “co-ordination of the Nato-led international task force in the Balkan state, commanding, controlling and directing operations”. While Irish Officers have served as Force [...]

Site redesign…

I’m redesigning my website (not the blog) and am going to do something I don’t normally do, get someone else’s opinion on it before I finish it. Would anyone with 2 minutes to spare consider taking a peek and giving their honest opinion? Be brutal. (content styles haven’t been looked at yet, just the header/footer/side [...]

Mayo’s mental breakdown

Anyone make the unfortunate decision to watch yesterday’s All-Ireland Football Final? What an awful awful game, one of the worst I have seen in ages. What the heck happened to Mayo? Did all the pressure and expectation become too much and cause a mental breakdown? They weren’t in it at all yesterday, they never even [...]