Posted by maca on October 31, 2006
Gardaí say they have arrested 459 suspected drink drivers over the bank holiday weekend. That’s 459 people who willingly put their lives and the lives of others at risk. Hopefully they’ll all be put off the road and maybe the message will finally get through.
Posted by maca on October 30, 2006
Did anyone watch the short documentary on RTÉ yesterday about Chinese workers … China Blue? I took particular interest in this because I have visited China on a number of occasions and have seen first hand the conditions some workers have to live/work in. So I’d like to share my own experiences. Now that i’m [...]
Posted by maca on October 27, 2006
Just got an interesting (to me) email a short while ago. I hope the young lady in question doesn’t mind me posting it here. The email: Twenty three yrs ago, the first clear word out of my two yr old grandaughter mouth, was “Maca”, as she looked at me. I’m still trying to find the [...]
Posted by maca on October 26, 2006
Fireworks are annoying. Few will disagree. Kids in this estate have been wrecking our heads for months with bangers and rockets. They have been used at times to terrorise older people, and they are dangerous; we’ve all heard the horror stories. So why legalise them? Wouldn’t that just make it worse? Answers: Safety, and no [...]
Posted by maca on October 25, 2006
We’ve just had another bloody weekend … so we ask the same questions we asked last time … “what can we do to cut down on the number of deaths on our roads?” “how can we get people to slow down?”. Give it a week and it’s all forgotten, till the next bloody weekend when [...]
Posted by maca on October 24, 2006
Just happened to be watching Seoige & O’Shea today, while relaxing after a late lunch. They had a brief discussion on the Irish language and one of the guests was one Paul MacDonnell from the Open Republic Institute who should be no stranger to those with any knowledge of the political side of the Irish [...]
Posted by maca on October 22, 2006
This is something I haven’t bothered to check before … search terms people used when they found my blog. Here’s some good ones from just the last 100 or so searches: “funny chinese names” – an amazing amount of people are searching for funny chinese names. Cén fáth? “yorkshire hijab” – eh? “most hated people [...]
Posted by maca on October 19, 2006
Is it worth mentioning that IE7 has been officially released? Worth mentioning perhaps but not worth linking to so I won’t. I have been using IE7 Beta 2 for months … wait … what am I saying?!? … I’ve had it installed for months but have only used it to test it out *phew*. I [...]
Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Anyone heading to (or even know about) the Firefox 2 launch party in Dublin next month? It’s being organised by a company called Segala and is provisionally booked for the 14th November in the Dakota bar on South William Street (not far from St.Stephen’s Green). Free drinks they claim! Very tempting!
Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Just noticed this morning that Ireland (i.e. Rep.Ireland) have slid further down the FIFA rankings to #49 with N.Ireland leap frogging us to bring them to #45. We have been sliding for a while now but recent results have really let us down. Hopefully our decent is over (as of last weeks draw) and we [...]