Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Interesting case this. A man in the UK has been found guilty of what appears to be the UK’s first incident of web rage. Apparently two guys got into an argument on a chat room and traded insults. Once of the men then tracked down the other, drove to his house in Essex and beat [...]
Posted by maca on October 14, 2006
Some Sinn Féiners called ’round to the house the other night. I was expecting some of the parties to start calling soon and SF were among those I was going to yell “feck off!” at. But damn them to hell they were so damn nice that I couldn’t but listen to what they had to [...]
Posted by maca on October 14, 2006
I might have expected this in France (because of their laws) but not in the UK. A young Muslim teacher has been suspended for wearing her veil in class. According to the school, Headfield Church of England Junior School in Dewsbury West Yorkshire, it was because the children found it difficult to understand her during [...]
Posted by maca on October 13, 2006
Via TCAL, now this is how to deal with telemarketers!
Posted by maca on October 12, 2006
Much much better from Ireland tonight who finally get their first point of the campaign against the Czech Republic [note for Bill O'Herlihy, it's not Czechoslovakia!]. It was a good performance and in some ways we were unlucky not to take all three points from the game. The sad thing is that it took Saturday’s [...]
Posted by maca on October 11, 2006
Fun with headlines … been a while since the last one. Reuters: Genetic mutation doubles breast cancer risk: study Although they don’t say what the risk is of becoming a genetic mutant. Plus it’s a good thing the teenage mutant ninja turtles don’t have tits as they are much more at risk that the rest [...]
Posted by maca on October 11, 2006
I just noticed on c|net that Google have combined Writely & Spreadsheets to create Google Docs & Spreadsheets. An obvious move I suppose, it’s already online if you want to check it out. What’s next I wonder, combine it with Page Creator? Another way to share your documents through your Google manufactured web page hosted [...]
Posted by maca on October 8, 2006
It looks like i’ll be staying with Smart for the forseable future then. As far as I know phone customers have two weeks to find another provider but Smart will continue to provide broadband. And to make up for the recent problems all broadband customers get a 3Mb speed upgrade for the rest of the [...]
Posted by maca on October 8, 2006
I just discovered another Ráiméis in our blogosphere, started [and ended] by Caitlín Jim last February. Pity she didn’t keep it going.
Posted by maca on October 7, 2006
My second attempt at putting my thoughts into words after tonights depressing game. I had a really long post written about it, about the players and about Stan but i’ve cooled down now and rewritten it. Tonight was embarrassing. The performance was nothing short of shameful. It’s our most embarrassing defeat in decades, the draw [...]