Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Anyone heading to (or even know about) the Firefox 2 launch party in Dublin next month? It’s being organised by a company called Segala and is provisionally booked for the 14th November in the Dakota bar on South William Street (not far from St.Stephen’s Green). Free drinks they claim! Very tempting!
Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Just noticed this morning that Ireland (i.e. Rep.Ireland) have slid further down the FIFA rankings to #49 with N.Ireland leap frogging us to bring them to #45. We have been sliding for a while now but recent results have really let us down. Hopefully our decent is over (as of last weeks draw) and we [...]
Posted by maca on October 18, 2006
Interesting case this. A man in the UK has been found guilty of what appears to be the UK’s first incident of web rage. Apparently two guys got into an argument on a chat room and traded insults. Once of the men then tracked down the other, drove to his house in Essex and beat [...]