Monthly Archives: November 2006

Holiday Prize for Sale

We just won a holiday today on a scratch card. Problem is it’s for one person so it’s no good to me. So if you fancy the prize; return flights from Dublin to Prague, 6 nights hotel accommodation on a twin share basis for 1 person I’m willing to sell the ticket very cheap. Make [...]


Bit late with this one. It was during the recent Rep.Ireland match I noticed the ads for “U2 18“. “Gifted!” sez I, “A new U2 album”. Boy was I disappointed, it’s just another fucking greatest hits album. WTF U2??? I’m proud of my U2 collection. I have most albums on tape, what I don’t have [...]

Brief disappearance

Apologies for the brief disappearance for a few days last week. It appears that a comments script, part of the Greymatter applicaiton I used to use for Raiméis, caused a server shut down and my webhost was none too pleased. So they simply shut down my entire domain. Although I agree with their actions, at [...]

Stressed and wrecked

Bin a bit quiet round here recently, I know. Travelling a lot with work an all dat so haven’t had the time or energy for posting. There’s a chance it may continue for another month or two … unless I win the lotto and fulfil my dream of becoming a professional layabout. Won nuttin on [...]

International Rules Shite

Time to call it quits on the International Rules series do you think? I have been a fan of the series since the start, I always thought there was great potential to create a wonderful spectacle of mixed rules football; the best of the Irish against the best of the Aussies; a chance to show [...]

One reason I love Firefox

I had a bit of a mishap yesterday. I installed Firefox on a PC at work, installed the Foxmarks extension to download my bookmarks which are stored online, changed my mind, disabled the extension (but forgot to restart) and deleted the bookmarks. When I got home I noticed that Foxmarks had overwritten the online bookmark [...]

Alcohol now Finland’s top killer

“Alcohol has become the leading cause of death in Finland for men, and is a close second for women, a study says.” Now, kaverit! You’d want to slow down on the aul koskenkorva, mmkay?

My earliest blog posts

Time for just one more tonight. I was scouring through my domain earlier, trying to delete a lot of old shit which is taking up space on my server when I found some of my earliest blog posts. This post may or may not be my first but it was definitely one of the earliest [...]

Irish troops head for the Leb

Almost forgot. Today over 120 of our country’s finest flew out to Lebanon to start their tour of duty with UNIFIL, joining up with the advance party of 31 who flew out to Lebanon last week. The 158 soldiers of 34th Infantry Group are tasked with carrying out reconnaissance and with providing security & protection [...]