Posted by maca on November 26, 2006
We just won a holiday today on a scratch card. Problem is it’s for one person so it’s no good to me. So if you fancy the prize; return flights from Dublin to Prague, 6 nights hotel accommodation on a twin share basis for 1 person I’m willing to sell the ticket very cheap. Make [...]
Posted by maca on November 26, 2006
Bit late with this one. It was during the recent Rep.Ireland match I noticed the ads for “U2 18“. “Gifted!” sez I, “A new U2 album”. Boy was I disappointed, it’s just another fucking greatest hits album. WTF U2??? I’m proud of my U2 collection. I have most albums on tape, what I don’t have [...]
Posted by maca on November 26, 2006
Apologies for the brief disappearance for a few days last week. It appears that a comments script, part of the Greymatter applicaiton I used to use for Raiméis, caused a server shut down and my webhost was none too pleased. So they simply shut down my entire domain. Although I agree with their actions, at [...]