Monthly Archives: February 2007

Web 2.0? I haven’t finished the first one yet!

The term Web 2.0 has been floating around for a couple of years now and until a while ago I had absolutely no idea what it meant. “Could it be another version of the internet?” thought I. Perhaps a parallel internet so we’d have de current internet and then anudder internet because 2 internets is [...]

Wee Winzip warning

Winzip must be one of the most popular data compression programs, with good reason, it’s one of the best programs available, in my own humble opinion. Winzip has always been a commercial program, which means after the evaluation period you are supposed to pay for a licence key. In the past however you could keep [...]

National anthems and walloping the English.

I’m really looking forward to this weekend’s game in Croker … who isn’t?? I’d love to be there, the atmosphere is going to be amazing!! It’ll be even better if Ireland finally turn on the style after two disappointing performances against the Welsh and the French. There are two things I am really hoping for [...]

Maca enters rehab

Troubled Irish blogger Maca has entered rehab (tiz all the rage these days ya see), his legal representative said in a statement on Thursday morning. Maca, who first shot to fame for his supporting role in Bouncie Bernie Does De Midlands before turning his talents to blogging, is believed to regularly suffer from bouts of [...]

Skype DUALphone 3088

I think i found my new toy … the Skype DUALphone 3088 … it’s not cheap, €139 (€153,05 inc. shipping), but at the rate herself is making calls back to Finland I’ll make that back in a matter of weeks. Anyone out there have this particular piece of wizardry?

One mail account to bind them all

Another reason to love Gmail. I don’t often check the “New Features” page but did today and was delighted to read that I can access my other email accounts through gmail i.e. gmail will essentially act as your email client and import your emails from other pop accounts. As well as it simply being dead [...]

Since we last spoke

Apologies for the lack of activity recently, including responding to your posts. I’m a miserable aul cunt, you can say it. Truth is i’ve been up to me hairy eyeballs recently. Besides work and besides trialling various project management/personal organiser programs, i’ve been taking a few online courses in various web design related subjects, SEO [...]

Anna Nicole Smith dead at 39

Kinda sad to hear that Anna Nicole Smith aka Vickie Lynn Hogan died today at the young age of just 39. She lead a shory but pretty interesting life. What a hottie she was when she was younger. Official Website. Wikipedia page.

San Marino 1 – Ireland 2

Pathetic. Abysmal. Sickening. Miserable. Wretched. Deplorable. Shameful. Awful. Terrible. We thought it couldn’t get any worse than Cyprus, it just did. I refuse to watch another Republic of Ireland match until Steve Staunton is replaced as manager and our players learn something about the pride of playing for one’s country!