Posted by maca on November 28, 2007
Somehow I doubt John Delaney or anyone in the FAI reads this blog but if, by some odd stroke of luck, they chance upon my wee corner of the blog o’sphere I want my message to be clear… Do not hire Terry Venables as ROI manager! We’re sick of chancers and second rate managers! The [...]
Posted by maca on November 28, 2007
A couple of bloggers have commented on U2′s inclusion of the previously unreleased Red Hill Mining Town in their latest DVD, some aren’t impressed. I care not. Naff 80s, I fucking love it. So here it is, Red Hill Mining Town, de vid. Let’s go down on Red hiiiilllllll!
Posted by maca on November 23, 2007
I’m a bit peeved off with the Sligo Cunty Council at the moment. Herself, the better half, got a fine for littering … 150 spondulics. Let me be clear, we’re not the type of people to be throwing rubbish anywhere. We pay over €12 each week to have our rubbish carted away. With the absence [...]
Posted by maca on November 23, 2007
Below is “Waiting For The Guards“, the first film (of three) just released as part of Amnesty International‘s unsubscribe campaign. Worth watching whether or not you agree with Amnesty’s work. Get great free widgets at Widgetbox!
Posted by maca on November 23, 2007
Amazon’s new electronic book reader Kindle, despite having just been released on November 19, has sold out already. Is this just a case of people wanting to be cool by buying the latest gadget? To be honest I think the design is crap. Whatever about the functionality I’d find it hard to pay $399 for [...]
Posted by maca on November 22, 2007
So with England’s miserable defeat to Croatia and NI’s expected exit last night and the poor aul Scots losing to the iTalians last week it obviously means none of the “home” nations, as some call ‘em, will be taking part in Euro 2008. It’s a sad state of affairs really. What has happened to soccer [...]
Posted by maca on November 21, 2007
They can’t even turn on the fecking Christmas lights up North without some sort of trouble breaking out. What are they like!?! p.s. name the tune/singer in the heading.
Posted by maca on November 21, 2007
Whatgo? This caught my attention when I was surfing through c|net news recently. According to c|net “Bango is trying to make it easier to get content onto your mobile phone” and since I love myself so much the idea of being able to read my own blog when mobile really appeals to me :-/ “The [...]
Posted by maca on November 21, 2007
I just noticed that Firefox 3 beta 1 was released yesterday. The new version is based on the new Gecko 1.9 rendering platform which has had some serious work done on it. Other changes include added security, increased ease of use and improved performance i.e. they’ve gotten around to addressing some of the memory leakage [...]
Posted by maca on November 19, 2007
Was having coffee this morning and flicked through a week-old Sligo Post when I noticed the following… TV Watch Highlights for the Week: Bourne Supremacy RTE One Wednesday @9:30 “The second chapter to the 2002 thriller, Bourne has to abandon his life and examine everything that happens with careful scrutiny in a bid to save [...]