Monthly Archives: January 2008

Scamming cunts on ebay

A while back I got ripped off by a guy on ebay (‘Jamie Power’ from Wales who uses the handle Redpower30, … you’ve now been warned, watch out for this scammer). We agreed a price for a particular item but I made the incredibly stupid and naive mistake of completing the purchase outside of [...]

Let’s get Dublin on the map!

Here’s the deal, Monopoly are creating their first ever “world edition” and you have a chance to vote for the top 22 cities you would like to see appear in the game. Dublin is the only Irish city which has a chance, it’s currently ranked at number 6 so let’s make sure it maintains its [...]

On your own time … for your own sake

It constantly amazes me how many people use their company email to send personal mails without at the very least removing their contact details from their signatures. I’ve heard of people in the past being suspended or even losing their jobs due to ‘mis-use’ of their company’s mail system. In the past couple of weeks [...]

Will ferrell in Longford

Ok it’s old news now, I has this post in my drafts for the past week and forgot to publish it … Will Ferrell, yeah THE Will Ferrell, the American comedian/actor, was out and about in Longford the weekend before last! My sister is absolutely sickened because not only is she one of his greatest [...]

The lengths some people will go to to get a signal…

Some bloke on a building opposite, snapped this afternoon on the phonecam.

Unlocking your free O2 text messages

O2 and probably other gsm service providers too offer you free text messages through their website. With O2 you get 250 free messages per month, the only pain in the ass is that to use them you need to log on to the site to access the message form. For that reason I only use [...]

No longer a dot ie virgin

Just bought my first .ie today. They wouldn’t let me have so I went for instead. Not very exciting I know but it will have to do. Now I just have to figure out what to do with it, perhaps a portfolio! In other news I have more or less given up on [...]

Personal .ie domains

With my head buried in the sand these past few months I totally missed the change in .ie registration rules … as of 31st October 2007 you can now register personal .ie domain names! Certain restrictions apply of course but it’s a welcome and long overdue rule change. For cheapest registration prices, that i found [...]

“Irish” International “University”

A BBC London investigation has uncovered a scam by a group calling itself the “Irish International University” ( It has been operating in the UK for a number of years, targeting foreign students and at one stage claimed to have a campus in Dublin. The Malaysian group, registered as a business in Switzerland, which apparently [...]