Computer woes

Computers and liquids don’t mix they tell us, and I believe them. I was acting the bollox with my son last night and knocked a full mug of tea over my laptop! And i’m not talking about some nancy little cup, when I have tea I go for the biggest mug I have, indeed the biggest mug I was able to find here (without going for some sort of novelty mug). Anway the entire mugs contents covered the keyboard. Amazingly it kept running albeit upside down while the tea drained out. Power was turned off and hair dryer was turned on. It’s been drying since then but lets see tonight what happens when I boot it up. Good timing as i’m supposed to be starting a web design job, not to mention that I haven’t backed up in about a month.
The moral of the story is rememeber to engage your deflector shield when drinking tea beside your laptop!

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